Tag Archives: Life Insurance

Skip the GP queue: added value benefits.

With unprecedented waiting times and difficulty accessing services, many people would welcome an alternative way [Read More]

Can you get life insurance with a high BMI?

Life insurance is well worth considering; these policies can help your family financially should you [Read More]

Can you get life insurance if you smoke?

According to the latest report from the Office for National Statistics, there are roughly 6.9 [Read More]

Income protection…Get the maximum benefit!

Are you getting the maximum amount out of your income protection policy??

Protection: do you know what it means?

Life insurance and critical illness cover, do you understand the protection industry jargon or are [Read More]

Do millennial parents really need life insurance?

A study of millennial parents has revealed some startling statistics and attitudes towards life cover. [Read More]

UK Life Insurance is the cheapest in the world

Did you know that the UK has the Cheapest Life Insurance in the world. Read [Read More]